The Source is an ongoing journey, through storytelling and images, about where our products come from. This includes the people, the process and the places. Follow along to learn more about how we source our goods. We respect the privacy and wishes of our artisans; some information may be omitted.
Every product we carry is a labour of love created in collaboration with our artisan partners.
In our travels we’ve come across incredibly talented artisans, inspiring creations and families who have been perfecting their craft for generations.
We knew we wanted to do our small part to help and share their art with the world. Currently we work with five families in Ecuador.
The artisans behind Heartprint Threads are provided with a fair and living wage for their work. We strive to ensure our artisans are acknowledged and taken care of.
The man in this picture is Miguel. His hands are in the image we've posted to Instagram today. He's best known for making our Weekend Traveller Bags, which you can see here, but did you know he also makes our collars and leashes for @heartprintpets? See his amazing work here.
He's a hard working and extremely talented artist who we're so proud to work with and to be able to call a friend.
At Heartprint Threads we believe that you should know where your threads come from. Thank you for supporting artisans and our vision.
Keep an eye out for more about The Source.
Have questions? We'd love to hear them! Send an email to or contact us here to chat with Taylor and Jenna.